Monday, 25 June 2012

Teacher appreciation gifts

Hi there,

What is with this weather? It should be summer here. One day we are fine and the next we are completely washed away. And when I say washed away, I mean very, very wet. Rain water tank filled to the brim and overflowing wet. And cold. And did I mention wet?

Good for getting those end of school year things done though. This year I made key rings for the teachers of our children to show them our appreciation for all the work they are doing.

To wrap the little presents up in a nice way I used some left over wall paper. Actually, come to think of it, the wall paper isn't left over from anything, I think I just bought it once in a sale at Laura Ashley, thinking I might use it for something and stashed it away in a little corner of the studio. But, the idea is that you could use left over wall paper if you wanted to.

Using the back end of a craft knife and my metal rulers (essential part of craft equipment in my studio, I seem to use them very often for all sorts of projects) I scored some lines  in small strips of the wall paper to make nice and crisp folds. Some glue and a few snips for the base of the bag was all it took to make up these small gift bags. With a hole punch I made some holes at the top and threaded through a piece of ribbon. All very easy and with a maximum effect.

If you are interested to make some bags of a similar size, I used the following measurements:
9 cm - score - 3 cm - score - 9 cm - score - 3 cm -score and added a 1 cm strip for the glue.
For the base I just scored another line at 2,5 cm and made small cuts at the corners. Then I halved the side parts (the 3 cm bits) by folding them and glued the whole thing together.
This would of course work for all kinds of sizes; just take a look at what you would like to wrap and adapt your measurements accordingly. Happy giving!

Have a nice (a hopefully sunny) day!


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