Wednesday, 30 May 2012

TSW Bracelets

Hi there,

Just a quick note to show you how far I have come with my bracelets. I had great fun thinking back to all those moments I was making these when I was younger ..

This was my number one, to get back into it

Then my number two: 

and three

This last one, if you look closely, has crosses. I'd like to make one with full crosses next but my hands need a rest. Especially my fourth and fifth finger are not used to this type of work, so they definitely need some time off.

And just to show you what we have been doing today, an action shot, taken from a fast moving train.

We had great fun and spent a long time in the park.



Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Three (four) tees mini-marathon

Hi There,

Just thought I'd share with you what I have been obsessing over the last couple of days:


Nothing spectacular, three veeery simple t-shirts you say? I would normally agree, but this time it has been an experience, to say the least. There were four. On my list were a couple of t-shirts, of which one would be a birthday present. I really liked the royal blue jersey; lovely quality and all, and decided it would make a good present. I used a pattern from the Finnish Ottobre magazine, a back issue from 2009. It has puff sleeves and a wider neckline, perfect for summer.

Gathering the sleeves was a nightmare. I put two rows of hand stitching in the seam allowance, then pinned it to the shirt with about 30 pins and it came out all bumpy and uneven. Second attempt. Even smaller stitches, same results. I plough on and finish the shirt, regardless of the sleeves being a bit funny. But then, when I cut off the extra seam allowance at the hem after having done the seam, this happened:

My scissors got caught, aargh. Luckily I have enough fabric for another shirt so, trying hard not to be annoyed, I start over. This time everything that can possibly go wrong, goes wrong. I think I must have unpicked every seam at least 3 times before I finally call it quits. It does not want to be this shirt, that's for sure!

I can't stop when it isn't going well, just too afraid the bad luck will stick. So, as soon as I could, I used the fabric to make a smaller and even simpler t-shirt. But somehow my cover pro also had an off-day. I literally unpicked the neckline 7 times! One of the shoulders sadly is a bit wonky too. And look at the inside of it, it is really untidy. I tried different tension settings on the lower looper, but didn't get much better results. It remains a mystery to me...

I still couldn't stop. I must turn this thing around! Luckily my fabric order arrived in time to continue with a light blue tee that was also on my list. All potential sticky points were omitted from the original plan; I used the simplest pattern and normal thread instead of the woolly nylon I used on the royal blue shirts. And, * Big sigh *,  it does what I want it to do, it becomes a t-shirt.

Why am I sharing this with you? So you know that not everything goes according to plan all the time. That, when you make a mistake and continue, you may make a lot more! 
Basically, lots of really loud music is needed to get back into the flow. Which is what I will try next time!

Hope your plans turn out nothing like this!


Friday, 25 May 2012

Rainbow bracelets

Hello, you!

Today is another gorgeous day, and we can finally start believing Summer will actually happen this year.
* big round of applause * 

FYI: This is what my feet look like today. Aren't they beautifully done? And they were a treat too, as a 'start of the season' freebie! Thank you, lovely Els!

For a long time I thought it just mightn't this year. Someone said that one way we already feel the effects of Climate Change in this country is by more and colder Northern winds, and I tend to believe it too. Sunny spells have been alternated by very cold days here. I'm not into all kinds of statisticky things, so it might just be a load of bullcrock, but that is definitely the way it feels to me.

Anyway, on to more important things. Ha! Do you sometimes get hit by 'the sudden wants' (TSW)?  That seem to come up out of nowhere and will actually get you searching the internet for The Thing?
Well, it happens to me. And quite regularly too. I can easily spend an hour (or even two) looking at the most gorgeous fabrics. If I stumble across some beautiful fabric designs, away I am. It can be other things too, but mostly fabric related in my case. Do you know the feeling?

But, in my defence, I don't give in to the TSW's all too easily. It is part of the process to fight the TSW's or - this is where I think the TSW's can actually be a good thing after all - use them as an inspiration to create something beautiful, funny and inspired.

So now it is a leather rainbow bracelet. I actually have no idea why, because I haven't seen any recently or rainbows for that matter. This one is from a shop called RainbowDepot, and I think it is quite nice, but it isn't what I was looking for.

Rainbow Corded Leather Bracelet
And what about this one? By Knotty Linda


You should check out her site, it is hilarious. Her bracelet is nice though. I am getting a sneaky feeling that rainbows have been hijacked by the same sex equal rights campaigners without me knowing about it. Is that something everyone (but me, obviously) knows about?

Not seeing what I wanted spurred me on to want to make my own rainbow bracelet. Do you remember the bracelets that you made when you where younger? These are absolutely gorgeous and made by Jasmijn

She explains clearly (I've put the link under her name) how to do it, what materials you need etc. So if you want to have a go, you can go to the page she posted and see for yourself. Mission half accomplished, I know what I want now, This is It!

I'll keep you posted.

Enjoy your day today, XO


Wednesday, 23 May 2012

More creativity

Hello There,

I am so much like a proud mammy that I am slowly realising that I might actually be (unofficially, until officially diagnosed as such by the Irish Proud Mammy Federation) a proud mammy.

Look at what our clever four year old made at school, isn't it lovely?

What about the use of colour, the different textures used?? And the likeness, a-ma-zing! Sorry to be such a brag about it, but I just love little gems like this!

Moving on from little gems to little Gems; this is the second Tee I have been making of this design. 

It is for a lovely two year old little Gem whom we'll be seeing soon. You might still see water marks as I tried to get the chalk marks out before I took the photograph. But they will dry soon, because the weather is gorgeous today.

Hope you have a lovely day outside today!



Monday, 21 May 2012

Getting things done

Hi there,

Just when you think you are getting things done, more lands on your plate! But as most of them are nice things, I actually don't mind so much.

I just love to make presents for people that are dear to me, don't you? Nothing nicer than making sure a present is as personalised as can be. But as planning is not my strong point, I often forget to plan the time to actually make it happen. With shop-bought gifts as a result.

This time, I am determined to make sure I actually have the time to make the three presents on my list at a leisurely pace. So, with no further ado, better love you and leave you now,

TTYL (when I have made a headstart)


Sunday, 20 May 2012

Happy day

Hello there,

Today for me was one of those days where you get lots done and happen to enjoy yourself at the same time too. Even though it started out quite rainy, the sun broke through around noon and made everything look even prettier.

I've been doing some work for the shop, did a little translation (okay, it was tiny, but still, it counts), we did a quick tour of a very nice 'farmers market' and we were invited to a very laid-back and happy little party on the beach. Pretty good for an average Sunday in my books!

Last week I also managed to get a couple of hours of me-time to work on a tunic for our Youngest Flower. I used a pattern by the German Farbenmix in a size 98-104, which should be for children of around 3 to 4yrs old. Although the pattern is easy enough, I couldn't get the original top part of the tunic to fit together as it should do. Many attempts later I still couldn't wrap my head around the way it worked (or should work, but didn't) so I decided to alter the pattern and do the top part again.

It turned out much better, but as I had feared, it was much wider than on the sample photos.
Measuring isn't my strong point, but because I have used the Farbenmix patterns before, I thought its sizing would be similar.

The tunic turned out a lot wider, in fact. The girls are of average build for their length, but the tunic just was way too big.

Just for fun Oldest Flower tried to squeeze in, but we were all surprised to see it did actually fit her! She would normally wear a size 122-128 (7-8yrs) and could fit into this tunic in a size 98-104!!
The sleeves of the tunic are of course shorter, but hey, 7/8 sleeves have not been invented in vain! Luckily she likes it and will be happy to wear it. Hopefully this week I will be able to finish it.

Have a preview of the fitting session though. Notice the wonderful Kaffe Fassett fabric with the clover and the even more wonderful tiny ric-rac in pink. I love it, it is so tiny. I've never seen it before and it just sets the two fabrics off beautifully.

Hope your day was as nice as (or even nicer than) mine of course!



Friday, 18 May 2012

Blogging is hot

Of course, We  Knew  This.  But always nice if someone else confirms it.

Moeders blog leeft

Aaf_Brandt_Corstius.jpgAAF BRANDT CORSTIUS − 18/05/12, 00:00 Volkskrant
Het bloggen is doodverklaard, maar niet in de niche van de mamablogs. Thuisblijfmoeders creëren een mooie wereld vol prachtige kinderen en nijvere huisvlijt en vergaren (diep-jaloerse) volgers en soms commercieel succes.
Ze is 32, ze heeft twee zoontjes en een man die veel werkt. Zelf werkt ze niet, want: 'Ik heb altijd gezegd: ik heb geen ambitie'. Ze begon een blog over haar leven, waarin ze zichzelf Mme ZsaZsa noemt. Ze blogt over de kinderen, de moestuin, over de kleding die ze zelf naait, over haar besluit om vegetariër te worden en over de sleutelhangertjes van lego die ze als afscheidscadeautje maakte voor de kinderen in de klas van haar zoon toen ze hem op een andere school deed. Ze blogt over haar weekmenu's: in een prachtig handschrift uitgeschreven menu's voor de hele komende week, met daarop deze week onder andere 'de allereerste rabarbercrumble'.

Met haar blogs vergaarde Mme ZsaZsa een hoop fans en volgelingen, die ook zelf rokjes wilden maken en wortels wilden telen. Vierduizend mensen kijken er per dag op haar blog. Voor die volgelingen maakte ze het boek Allemaal rokjes, met uitbundig getekende patronen voor, inderdaad, rokjes. Dat boek bereikte in de afgelopen maand de nummer 1 op de bestsellerlijst van België. Waar Mme ZsaZsa zelf vooral opgetogen over is, is dat ze daarmee boven Jeroen Meus uitgestegen is, een Zeer Bekende Vlaming - een kok die goedverkopende kookboeken schrijft.

Het is een mooi rags to riches-verhaal: bloggende huisvrouw wordt bestsellerauteur. Maar Mme ZsaZsa, echte naam Kim Leysen, is niet de enige mamablogster die succes boekt. In Nederland en Vlaanderen zijn er meer die met hun blog geld verdienen, hun maatschappelijke visie onder duizenden vrouwen verspreiden of gewoon hyperpopulair zijn door hun vrolijke tekst met poëtische beelden. Het bloggen mag doodverklaard zijn, want vervangen door Twitter en Facebook, maar de mamablogs zijn springlevend.

Mamablogs zijn er veel, maar de meeste blijven steken op het niveau 'koddig': ingeflitste foto's van kinderen die grappend Dumpie of Bang-Bang genoemd worden, met net iets te lange verhalen over het paasuitje naar de Efteling. Een bekende Vlaamse mamablogster, de Disfunctionele Huisvrouw, noemt dit type blogs: 'Kijk eens naar mijn kindertjes en bewonder vooral hun mond vol spinazie'.

Maar een aantal fulltime moeders weet hoe je dat beter aanpakt, en zij maken deel uit van wat je een internationale beweging zou kunnen noemen. Hun blogs zien er aantrekkelijk uit, met Hipstamatics van de kinderen (immer in zelfgemaakte of vintage kleding), close-ups van de seizoens- of vergeten groenten die ze aan het bereiden zijn en foto's van de kleding die ze zelf naaien. Want daarin komen bijna alle echt populaire mamablogs overeen: de vrouwen die ze maken, zijn van de ouderwetse huisvlijt en schamen zich daar niet voor. 'Het is een trend', zegt Kim Leysen, 'toen ik begon, naaide niemand en nu naait 80 procent van de mensen die ik ken.' Maar het is niet alleen het naaien. Zij denkt dat het teruggaan naar het breien, borduren, koken, bakken en moestuinieren aantrekkelijk is omdat haar generatie het nooit heeft gedaan, en de generatie ervoor ook niet. 'Daarvóór was het een noodzaak. Nu ontdekken we hoe leuk het is om onze eigen kleren te maken, om zélf al die dingen te doen. En om het leven simpel te houden; dat je niet helemaal naar de andere kant van de wereld hoeft te vliegen om vakantie te houden, maar dat het in de Ardennen ook heel aangenaam kan zijn. Mensen beseffen dat het gewoon leuk is.'

Die kleine wereld van naaimachine, moestuin en kinderen heeft inderdaad iets woest aantrekkelijks voor de volgers, onder wie ikzelf. Ook het vrolijke, het dromerige aan de blogs maakt ze zo fijn - ze focussen zelden op poepluiers en luizen, maar maken van het moederlijk leven een paradijselijk verhaal, of in ieder geval een verhaal met humor. 'Ik blog over dingen die mij blij maken, dingen die ik graag doe, graag eet of kook. De avonturen en het chaotische leven van ons gezin. Als ik daarmee mensen 'inspireer' is dat mooi', zegt Daan Rot van het blog Maandag Daandag, moeder van Elvis (10), Rover (7), Wolf (4) en Maantje Piet (bijna 1), vrouw van zanger Jan Rot en een grootheid in de mamablogwereld vanwege haar poëtische, korte blogs over haar vele kinderen, haar naaiprojecten, haar man en haar zelfgegutste stempels. Inmiddels is ze ook ontdekt door de tijdschriften, die haar vragen voor verhalen en tutorials over, bijvoorbeeld, zelfmaaksnorretjes voor kinderen.

Keihard jaloers
Mijn eigen interesse voor de mamablogs is tweederde 'dit wil ik ook' en eenderde 'ik word hier zo jaloers van dat het bijna masochistisch is'. Twee vriendinnen van me, beiden werkend, moeder en fanatiek mamablog-volgster, verwoorden het zo: 'Het is behalve voyeurisme ook zelfkwelling. Je confronteert jezelf met hoe het beter, creatiever, uitbundiger en liefdevoller kan. Zelf pruts je wat aan met wc-rollen en crêpepapier; zij maken er een waanzinnig mooie muurdecoratie van.' De ander, een vaste volgster van de prachtige mamablog Maandag Daandag, zegt: 'Ik ben keihard jaloers, vrees ik. Ze doet alleen maar leuke, fantasievolle dingen met haar kinderen. Laatst nog: een minimoestuintje met een kabouter.' 'Lezeressen mailen mij weleens dat ze jaloers zijn,' zegt Kim Leysen. 'Ik maak natuurlijk ook ontzettend saaie dagen mee. Maar daar blog ik niet over. Dat is niet interessant.'

Leysen is haar blog niet begonnen omdat ze meer erkenning voor het thuismoederschap wilde, zegt ze ('zo zwaar is het namelijk niet'), wel om meer contact met volwassenen te krijgen. Andere mamabloggers hebben wel een maatschappelijke missie: Meisjesmama, alias Stien Schrijvers (1.500 unieke bezoekers per dag) verwerkt een milieuvriendelijke boodschap in haar berichten: 'Wij zijn sinds tweeënhalf jaar auto-eigenaar af en dat is in België redelijk zeldzaam, zeker met drie jonge kinderen. Ik wil de boodschap uitdragen dat de fiets een heerlijk alternatief kan zijn. Maar ik wil niet belerend zijn.'

In Nederland blogt de veelgelezen Nicole Orriëns van Het Moederfront omdat ze van schrijven houdt, maar ook om 'een tegengeluid' te laten horen over het thuisblijfmoederschap. Ze is de moeder van Maartje (16), Jan (15), Teuntje (13), Ot (11) en Piet (8). 'Ik vind het belangrijk dat er een ander geluid klinkt in het geweld van de roep om vrouwelijke arbeidsparticipatie. Dat zorg en opvoeding ook werk zijn en waarde hebben, en niet het equivalent zijn van nietsdoen. Fulltime moederen is net zo goed een bijdrage aan de maatschappij als een betaalde baan.'

Orriëns is zelf naast moeder inmiddels ook professioneel blogger, want ze bestiert buiten Het Moederfront nog vele andere blogs, waaronder een over waterwratten, een genaamd Huisvlijt (met 30 duizend unieke bezoekers per maand) en Ren Mama Ren over hardlopen. 'Toen mijn jongste naar school ging, ben ik mijn blogs gaan uitbreiden en nu heb ik er een stuk of twaalf over verschillende onderwerpen, waaronder twee Engelstalige.' Orriëns' blogs worden zo goed gelezen dat zij adverteerders vond, en inmiddels kan ze sommige maanden leven van het bloggen.

Dat is de bedoeling, want de kinderen zijn naar school, ze hoeft niet meer fulltime te moederen. 'Bloggen is mijn werk, en er moet brood met beleg op de plank. Wel ben ik kritisch over het type advertenties. Zo zal ik niet een advertorial plaatsen om kinderopvang te promoten.' Orriëns blogt inmiddels veertig uur per week. 'Ik plan mijn werk rondom de schooltijden van de kinderen, en zit voor ze klaar met het verguisde kopje thee als ze uit school komen. Want ik ben ervan overtuigd dat dat heerlijk voor ze is.'

Maandag Daandag: voor mooie plaatjes van kinderen en om te leren hoe je een plofbroek of een letterstempel maakt (

Mme ZsaZsa: inspirerende weekmenu's, moestuinnieuws, naailes en de komende tijd gratis jurkpatronen (

Het Moederfront: komische dialogen van een thuisblijfmoeder met vijf kinderen (

Disfunctionele Huisvrouw: voor wie mamablogs te zoet vindt; een thuisblijfmoeder die hard afgeeft op de ecodag op school en vertelt over haar diepe verlangen naar de menopauze (



Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Magazine review: Selvedge

One of the things I like is browsing through magazines. One of my favourite magazines has to be Selvedge. It summarises itself as

"an independent, 100-page full colour magazine published six times a year. The magazine is image led and has an uncompromising design. Directed towards and international audience, Selvedge covers fine textiles in every context with illustrated features on fine art, fashion, interiors, ethnographic textiles, important collections, travel and shopping. The latest book reviews, exhibitions and comprehensive listings feature in every issue. The magazine provides a wide-ranging, unbiased and critical overview of the textile world".

I think that description does about cover it; only I don't think the last sentence is necessarily true. There isn't much 'unbiased and critical overview' as far as I have seen. But then again, the magazine is so lovely (and that even includes the paper, the smell, you know, the whole package) who can blame the writers to get carried away?

Hudson's Bay Point Blankets and Jonathan Adler Cushions
Cushions by Jonathan Adler

They feature lots of interesting textile artists and designers, talk about rejuvenated old techniques, new techniques etc. and basically inspire you to try out new stuff.
One thing I did find annoying at times is that they are quite heavy handed with their emails, which are mostly publicity for stuff they sell in their (web)shop.

Huopaliike Lahtinen Felt Slippers
Felt slippers by Huopaliike Lahtinen

Other than taking out a subscription (which is quite expensive if you live outside the U.K.) it is quite hard to get hold of a copy. If you would like to get a feel for the magazine there is always the website, so check it out even if you have just the teensiest penchant for fabrics. They even do an online version now, so I guess that solves the issue of delivery costs.

If you know of any interesting textile related magazines, I would love to hear about them so do drop me a line.


Tuesday, 15 May 2012

In the Mood & Give-Away

Hello There, This one is for you!

You know how sometimes one image can say more than a thousand words? And how images (and words for that matter - but somehow, most of the time this does not apply to husband and kids, I hear myself going yada yada yada. But I digress .. different story) can have a huge impact?

 When you are low on energising words or equally, bursting with them, a simple message is all it takes to get the idea across. No words needed.

 This inspired me to create the following iron-on transfers. All you need to do is to stick them on a t-shirt and enjoy! They can be found in the shop but, because I like them a lot, I have decided to give away one of each. All you need to do is post a comment and I will randomly choose two lucky winners.

And what about this one to get you inspired ...

Good luck everyone!

Monday, 14 May 2012


I woke up this morning with a line from an unknown song jumping around in my brain. Over and over.

Because it was a nice and upbeat song, I looked it up on the web and found out that there are lots of different versions of it. The original one is by Taio Cruz and is called Dynamite. It has a catchy rythm but quite simple lyrics. He is one of those cool looking guys, you know the ones, slightly gangsta, with the set jawlines and the sunglasses. Extremely cool but nothing too exciting.

Then I found one that is much better; it uses the same rythm but has much better lyrics. It is by Sarah Joy Gordon and you can have a look here:

 She may not be as cool and she could possibly get more help shooting a professional clip but it is such a good spin on what is in the basis a rather dull song about a night out clubbing. Do you agree?

Hope you enjoy it and start hopping around the place singing: Gaaaalileeeeeeeyo!

Mothers' day

Happy belated Mothers' day to all you beautiful mamas out there! Did you have a nice day, I hope you did.
We enjoyed some lovely weather and look what popped up in our garden, isn't it amazing?

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Blank(et) beginnings

Yay, it is working! After a couple of very frustrating days trying to get my phone to send and receive, my wonderful partner in crime has managed to get it sorted. So I can finally show you the crochet project that I was talking about earlier. Remember this from a year ago?

My love for crochet started by absolutely falling in love with the wonderful and colourful work made by Lucy from Attic24. Amazing, really great stuff! In my books, anyone named Lucy must be an interesting human being, because of the name alone. But then, being called Lucy ánd being able to crochet a love for all things rainbowy into a multitude of colourful projects just makes you bubble with delight. And she loves Avoca too! Wonderful girl!

Anyway, Lucy's projects made me yearn to be able to do that too. I started by making wonderful ripple cushion covers based on a tutorial on her blog and I was amazed that I could actually understand what she wrote. Just follow the description and off and away you are. 

After the cushion covers I felt brave and felt I should be starting a bigger project. And what better way to do that than by just starting .. something. The double crochet square in a book I have, called 201 crochet motifs, blocks, projects and ideas by Melody Griffiths (which, by the way, is a great book if you are a beginner like me and want to start out with little projects and get some basic knowledge at the same time), looked easy enough to do, and could lead to all sorts of projects. I started off not knowing where my crochet adventure would lead to. Two years later the basis for this project is finally here, I am so excited! This is a purple-blue-green selection of what it has turned out to be.

All the squares are dampened and then pinned to sheets of foam to stretch them out nice and tidily. Once they are dry others will take their place. Then it will be a matter of getting rid of all the end and beginning bits and before I can start sewing them together. Let's hope it won't take ages to do; it seems a lot less exciting than the actual crochet part, but who knows, there may be bliss to be found in the process of calmly putting them together.

Love you and leave you for now,

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Easy peasy dress

Hey, how was your day Honey?

I hope it was nice and busy and that you have now settled for an evening full of nice things to cross off your to-do list! My to-do list is rapidly turning into a short novel, the rate I'm going but that is another story ...

Anyway, I wanted to give you a colourful glimpse of the crochet project I have been working on (for the last 2 years, it seems to want me to take it reeeally slow). But sadly it is not to be as the photo I took is on my phone and I can't seem to send it to my computer. I have recently changed providers and I'm having all sorts of little issues with it. Technology scares me sometimes.

So, on to the next project I have been working on recently.. the Ideal Easy Dress. When I saw a blogpost by a wonderful Belgian lady called Mina Dotter (Polkadotjes)on it a little while ago, and I got very exited. Upon reading the words 'one evening' and 'perfect fit' I got even more exited, because let's face it, sometimes a girl just needs a new dress PDQ. There even is a Flickr page on it, so you can see for yourself if you like it.

 The pattern is from Burda Style and the number is 7828. And my verdict (one down, many, many more to go) is that it does deliver. It is in fact, super easy provided you know your way around jersey fabrics that is. Getting to grips with the downloadable pattern (36 sheets of A4 paper that need to be assembled, no mean feat!) was more difficult than the actual sewing. To test this pattern I bought a cheap and cheerful royal blue fabric with smallish cream dots. Because I can't seem to be getting time in stretches lately, it has taken me longer than one evening but I am sure that if you have everything prepared and have a full evening ahead of you, you could actually do it. On the pattern there are two sleeves, a long sleeve one and a cap sleeve, but you could easily adapt your own favourite style of sleeve to fit the pattern. Thereby creating the possibility of making half a wardrobe full of perfectly simple but adorable dresses.

Edit: I hadn't looked in the mirror yet. Now, seeing the photos I somehow think I need to tweek the pattern a little or even just go up a size. It pulls and creases around the crossover part in a way that I don't like. I kept pulling it to get the creases out. Any ideas?

Monday, 7 May 2012

Hello There!

Hé, hallo! Leuk dat je komt kijken op mijn nieuwe weblog. Het was tijd voor een frisse, nieuwe Pollewop look, dus vandaar ook een nieuw weblog. Veel zal er niet veranderen hoor, want ik blijf je op de hoogte houden van de creatieve uitspattingen hier in de studio, met leuke dingen van andere mensen, met consumentenervaringen op het creatieve vlak, met mooie en grappige foto's, tips & trucs en verder nog een hele serie aanverwante en onaanverwante zaken.

Hello, You! Nice of you to visit my new weblog. It was about time a new and fresher looking Pollewop Studio weblog saw the light of day, don't you think? It won't be too much of a change, because I will still keep you up to date with all creative activity here in the studio, with interesting and fun stuff by others, with reviews on creative gear, with beautiful and funny photo's, tips and tricks and a whole lot of other related and unrelated stuff.